Producer Manju Bharti unveiled Five Films in the presence of Mukesh J. Bharti Freddy Daruwala Rajneesh Duggal & Pramod Pathak
Dec 20, 2024
New Delhi [India], December 20: In a star-studded event, producer Manju Bharti of Vivek Films Production House unveiled an ambitious lineup of 5 major films, promising to redefine entertainment across genres. The grand announcement was attended by notable actors Freddy Daruwala, Rajneesh Duggal, Govind Namdev, Pramod Pathak, Mukesh J. Bharti, Anand Kumar, Brijendra Kala, Mahesh Thakur, Arpit Ranka, Pravin Sisodia, and with Laxminarayan Agarwal, making it a memorable occasion for the industry.